Private Course
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Responsible Hammam M. Elmahi
Last Update 05/26/2024
Members 3
  • Element 1
    • Foundation in Environment Management: Environment & Pollution
    • Foundation in Environment Management: Human Activities and Environment
    • Foundation in Environment Management: Principles of Environmental Management
    • Foundation in Environment Management: Legal Environmental Frameworks
  • Element 2
    • Environmental Management System: Introduction
    • Environmental Management System: PDCA
    • Environmental Management System: Audit
    • Environmental Management System: Benefits of EMS
    • Environmental Management System: Audit
  • Element 3
    • Assessing Environmental Aspects and impacts: Concept of Source, Pathway and Receptor
    • Assessing Environmental Aspects and impacts: Concept of Source, Pathway and Receptor
    • Assessing Environmental Aspects and impacts: Impacts Assessment & Life Cycle Analysis
  • Element 6
    • Control of Environmental Noise
  • Element 5
    • Control of Emissions to air
    • Control of Emissions to air 2
    • Control of Emissions to air 3
  • Element 7
    • Control of contamination of water resources
    • Control of contamination of water resources 2
    • Control of contamination of water resources 3
    • Control of contamination of water resources 4
    • Control of contamination of water resources 5
  • General review
    • General Review
  • Element 8
    • Control of waste & Land use
    • Control of waste & Land use2
    • Control of waste & Land use 3
  • Element 4
    • Planning for dealing with environmental emergencies
  • Element 9
    • Sources & use of energy & energy efficiency
    • Sources & use of energy & energy efficiency 2